Our commitment has always been to remain the best directory of porn sites that accept Bitcoin, and provide you with honest, accurate, and thorough reviews of those sites.
In the past year we have seen explosive growth in cryptocurrencies, and also in adoption of merchants who accept cryptocurrencies. From Fortune 500 companies to small local shops, many people have jumped on board. The adult industry is no exception. I quickly realized that if someone wanted to figure out which porn sites took Bitcoin, they would have a tough time finding any good resources. Apart from a few blog posts and press releases, there was no easy way to find out if content providers in a niche of your choice accepted Bitcoin. This is the reason I started this site.
In the past few months there has been doubt within the cryptocurrency sphere, and many people have come to me wondering whether Bitcoin is here to stay or not, and particularly whether adult sites may move on to another crypto. I have first hand experience with some of the payment processing methods used within the adult industry, and I can confidently say that Bitcoin solves a number of issues that content providers face on a daily basis.
Not to mention the benefits to you as a consumer. It is the safest way to pay online when dealing with porn. You don’t have to worry about strange or unexpected charges on your credit card. While I hate to say it, some of the practices put in place in the adult industry to keep people hooked on recurring credit card payments are very under-handed. None of these problems are new, but a reasonable solution was lacking in this industry. However, Bitcoin is able to single-handedly solve all of these issues for both the consumer and merchant.
Regardless of which direction the price of going, we are here to stay. Although I haven’t had time to update the site as frequently as I have liked, our catalog of sites is increasing every day. It will remain our commitment to you to provide unbiased and comprehensive reviews in our directory of adult sites.
Many imitators have popped up over the past few months, but BitcoinPornDirectory.com remains the most comprehensive directory on the web, featuring over 60 websites that accept Bitcoin. We soon plan to be expanding that list to websites that accept other major coins (such as Litecoin, and Ethereum) as well as some lesser known niche websites that you may not have heard of, so check back soon!